Honey cake in Kuchinigirls

Ingredients :

All purpose flour - 250 g
Eggs - 2
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon
Salt - A pinch
Oil - 250 ml
Milk - 250 ml
Sugar - 250ml
Vanilla essence - 2 drops (optional)
Dried Coconut powder - 4 teaspoon
Honey - 3 teaspoon
Kissan fruit jam - 3 teaspoon
Butter - 2 Teaspoon


> Break the eggs into a bowl
> Beat the eggs well by beater or fork spoon
> Add sugar into it 
> Beat well nicely
> Then add 250ml of cooking oil
> Once beat well add milk into it.
> Now take 250 g of all purpose powder 
> Filter all purpose powder,spoon of baking powder and half spoon of baking soda
> Its all filtered well without any bubbles
> Now start mixing it
>  Cake Batter is ready 
> This Tray is coated with butter in the four sides and for bottom use butter sheet
> Now pour the batter into the tray
> Preheating for 5 min 
   Temperature - 170 degree
   Function - Roast
   Timer - 15 min

> Cake is ready ,let it cool for 15 min
> Using a stick or tooth pick put many holes into it
> In a pan add 3 teaspoons of honey and add little bit of water and start mixing it in a low flame for 1 min.
> Now pour the honey into this cake.Pour it to all the sides
> In the same pan  add 2 tor 3 teaspoons of fruit jam 
> Start mixing well and switch off the flame .Don't let it cook
> Now pour the jam mixture into this cake
> Finally add dried coconut powder on the top of the cake
> Cake is ready to serve
> Transfer it to a plate and make a slice.
> Enjoy your day with this sweet honey cake 😋

Honey cake Recipe:

For the beginners we explained in detail.Try and give your feedback:

>  Break the eggs into a bowl and beat well.You can use electronic beater or spoon or hand beater
> Then add 250 g of sugar and mix well
> Now add 250 ml of cooking oil and mix well.For each ingredient you have to take time and mix well properly. then only soft texture will come 
> Also add 250 ml of milk. I used cold milk.beat well nicely.
> Then start adding all purpose flour(Maida). Filter this flour using tea filter or Jalladai. While filtering this flour add soda salt and baking powder. 
> Also add pinch of salt.its enough.it will enhance the taste .Don't add too much.
> Now mix all the ingredients and make a smooth batter .Don't add water.
> Batter should not be watery or thick.Make a correct consistency
> Now take a desire cake tray 
> Melt two spoons of butter and applied all the sides of the tray
> In the bottom i kept butter sheet.instead of butter sheet you can apply butter as well.
> Pour the cake mixture into a bowl and keep it in oven or OTG or cooker
>  Approx time is 15 min to cook. In the middle open and check whether it has cooked or not ,using a tooth pick or stick or by spoon
> Once its cooked well ,keep it cool and using a tooth pick put so many holes as possible 
> In a Pan add 3 teaspoons of honey also add little amount of water and start mixing it
> Once its melt pour in the cake
> Then in the same pan add 3 teaspoons of Jam and keep melting.
> Once its done immediately switch off the flame and pour it to the cake
> Then put dried coconut powder on the top of the cake.
> Honey cake is ready to serve. 
> For 90's kids this is the most favourite one i believe.

Recipe by: Aarthi Manikandan
(Life is all about Good food😋 and Good friends💗)


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